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Charleston Area Two-Way Radio Accessories
PMMN4106A APX XE500 Remote Speaker, High Impact Green
The APX™ XE500 Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM) is designed with the user’s extreme environment in mind. This high-visibility, high impact green RSM features…
2-Wire, IMPRES™ Swivel Loud Audio Earpiece with Eartip
Equipped with one wire for receiving transmissions and a second with a combined microphone, programmable button and push-to-talk. Securely wear this earpiece on either…
AARLN4885 Receive-Only Covered Earbud
Receive Only Earpiece with 3.5mm. The In-ear earbud that attaches to the RSM, allows user to receive incoming radio communications discretely.
APX Wireless RSM Kit
Mission critical users can be ready in seconds without having to worry about wires getting in the way with the APX Wireless Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM). Featuring…
Bluetooth Remote Speaker Mic (WM500)
The WM500 has been tested and works with the KODIAK broadband PTT platform, which is used by major wireless carriers – including AT&T, Bell Canada, Sprint, and…
FVP-25 Encryption Unit – Band Inversion
Add band inversion encryption and DTMF paging to your radio for added security over voice transmission. Keeps conversations private within your system.
HKLN4606 Remote Speaker Microphone
This compact remote speaker microphone easily clips onto a shirt or collar, allowing you to speak and listen without having to reach for your radio.
HMN4101 IMPRES Remote Speaker Microphone
The HMN4101 is a rugged remote speaker microphone with volume control, two programmable buttons and an orange button. It is designed with a large speaker that delivers…
HMN4103 IMPRES Display Speaker Microphone
This rugged Remote Speaker Microphones (RSM) features volume control, two programmable buttons, and an orange emergency button. It features an eight-character display…
HMN4104 Display Remote Speaker Microphone
The HMN4104 is Motorola’s first microphone to include a display. Its 8-character display mimics the top display to show zone and channel information at a glance. It is…
HMN9051 Remote Speaker Microphone
This compact remote speaker microphone is a water-resistant unit that allows talking and listening without removing the radio from the belt or case. It has a coiled…
HSN8145 External 7.5 Watt Speaker
Outmuscle noise in loud conditions and rugged situations with Motorola’s external speakers. This 7.5W external speaker gives you an extra audio boost in your vehicle.